Covered indications / medical specialities:
- Urology
- Gynecology
- Latest technologies / most up-to-date procedures
Urological tumors
Prostate cancer
Benign prostate enlargement
Bladder weakness / incontinence
Infectious diseases
STD (sexual transmitted diseases)
Urinary stone treatments
Pediatric urology
Reconstructive urology
Hormonal / Hyperandrogenic disorders
Uterus myomas
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Bladder weakness / incontinence
Menstrual bleeding disorders
Infectious diseases
STD (sexual transmitted diseases)
Gynecological tumors
Breast cancer / reconstructive surgery
Minimally invasive surgical techniques
Extracorporal shockwave therapy
Endoscopic interventions
DaVinci®-Robot tumor resection
Advanced incontinence surgery
Photodynamic diagnosis / therapy of urinary bladder tumors
Laser enucleation of the prostate
Laser lithotrypsy
Post-operative Rehabilitation
After having undergone bigger interventions such as urological or gynecological tumor surgeries the fastest way to your full recovery is a professional post-operative rehabilitation course.
In our specialized rehabilitation centers highly trained and experienced medical specialists will work out a comprehensive recovery plan tailored to your specific needs.
Intermed-Consult helps you finding the suitable rehabilitation clinic following your urological or gynecological operation !